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Monday, March 24, 2025

Opening Day of Quilt Season 2025

 It's spring break, so a great time to quilt. I've been cutting out crib quilt tops and putting them WITH COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS in shoeboxes, since it might be hard to get to my fabric stash over the summer, while my daughter and her three cats are staying with me. 

Love this streak of lightning quilt, and it was great for using up the oddly large amount of small pieces of electric blue fabric that I had. The only light fabric that went well was a geometric print from 2005, but since it's going to a good friend's daughter for her baby, I don't mind as much. The state outline backing has been hanging out in my stash since 2012, and there was JUST enough. 

Have to admit that I've been struggling with the closing of Joann's. I don't buy a lot of new fabric; for sustainability sake, I've been buying fabric at the thrift store, which also is good for my design process of using what I have. Still, it's hard knowing that if I need a couple of yards of white fabric, I'll have to... go to a fancy quilt shop and pay big bucks? Get something less than desirable at WalMart? Or worst of all, order something online? Luckily, I am good on thread since several friends have cleared out relatives' stashes. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

My 2024 Helper

 My dogs have always been SO helpful when I quilt, emulating cats as they sit right on the quilt. Leo is no exception. He is a ten year old shih tzu who has been with me about two months. 

Final quilt of 2024!

 Had three fabrics that screamed that they needed to be together, and found a test block in this pattern when I was organizing! Perfect. These are all the projects I plan to get done until next June.

String quilts

 Sometimes, one project bleeds into another! Had 4 triangles left, so they became the center of the next quilt!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Other graduation present


Scrap quilt

 Actually finished this one BEFORE high school graduation, so will be able to give it on a timely fashion!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Four Patch

All of my fabric is either bought at the thrift store or given to me by friends, which leads to an interesting design process. This is a great pattern for larger prints that are hard to work in to other patterns. I had the green four patches left over from other projects, and they matched the green print well.